I have decorated many school doors whether it be for red ribbon week or teacher appreciation day. In fact, I have 2 kids and last year I decorated 5 doors. Why did I decorate 5 doors? Well, as many of you know, not all volunteers are created equal. As the chair of the committee, I did not want anyone left out so I made sure everyone was recognized and that meant helping out with the extra doors. The best part – or worst part – of the story is that it rained the very next day and my hard work got a little soggy and runny. It survived the week but sadly found its ‘forever home’ in the trash shortly after the week’s end.
Like most of you, I decorated the old-fashioned way, with butcher paper and dollar store supplies. There are so many cute things you can buy at the 99-cent-only stores and Dollar Tree but most of these solutions are not weather proof. I have never spent less than $10.00 on a door and sadly it has always found its eventual way into the trash. If you count my worth per hour by the time spent thinking about, creating and executing this door masterpiece, you’ll find it’s far more expensive than the $10.00 in supplies.
This year I have decided to take a different approach. I’m tired of wasting my time on immediately disposable items so I am attacking the task from a brand new perspective.
Take a look at the two banners shown. These will be the ones that I will use. They are 24″w x 54″ tall and will fit nicely on the door and will transition nicely inside if the teacher want to use it at the beginning of the school year. To add a little crafty touch every child will write their name or a little message to the teacher and I will hang these on the banners with clothing pins.
If you want one of these for your teacher let me know through our contact page and we will make one just for you. Photos will follow once they are up!